Gabriel J. Martín.
Psicología Afirmativa gay.

Bibliografía afirmativa gay

Si quieres ampliar tus conocimientos sobre Psicología Afirmativa Gay te recomiendo los siguientes manuales y artículos:


ALDRICH, R. (2006), Gays y lesbianas, vida y cultura: un legado universal. Nerea. Madrid. 

ANGELA, A. (2015). Amor y sexo en la antigua Roma. La esfera de los libros. Madrid. 

ANGULO, J. y GARCIA, M. (2005). Sexo en piedra. Sexualidad, reproducción y erotismo en época paleolítica. Luzan 5, S.A. Madrid.

ARTEAGA, M. y NAVARRO, J. (2012). “Psicología y homosexualidad”. Psicología Hoy, 11.

Balthazart, J. (2010), Biologie de l’homosexualité, Bélgica, Mardaga.

BAYLE AYENSA, J. I. (2008). Estudiando la homosexualidad. Pirámide. Madrid.

CANTARELLA, E. (1991). Según natura: la bisexualidad en el mundo antiguo. Akal. Madrid.

CARBONELL, E. (2010). El sexo social. Now Books, Barcelona,

Davies, D. y N. Charles (2011), Pink therapy: A guide for counsellors and therapists working with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients. Filadelfia, McGraw.

Downs, A. (2005), The Velvet Rage. Cambridge, Perseus Books.

DRESCHER, J. (2015). Out of DSM: Depathologizing Homosexuality. Behavioral Science, 5 (4); 565–575. 

EASTON, D. & HARDY, J. W. (1997). Ética promiscua. Melusina. Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

ESTUPINYÀ, P. (2013). S=EX2, la ciencia del sexo. Penguin Random House. Barcelona.

HOOKER, E. (1957). The adjustment of the male overt homosexual. Journal of Projective Techniques. 21; 18-31.

ISENSEE, R. (1996). Love between men. New York. Alyson Publications.

KINSEY, A. C. ET AL (1948/1998). Sexual behavior in the Human Male. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders; Bloomington: Indiana U. Press. MARTÍN, G. J. (2016). Quiérete mucho, maricón. Roca. Barcelona.

MARTÍN, G. J. (2017). El ciclo del amor marica. Roca. Barcelona.

MARTÍN, G. J. y MARTÍN. S. (2018). Sobrevivir al ambiente. Roca. Barcelona.

MARTÍN, G. J. (2020). Gay Sex. Roca. Barcelona. 

MIRA, A. (2004). De Sodoma a Chueca. Egales. Madrid.

PEREL, E. (2006), Inteligencia erótica, Madrid, Temas de Hoy. 

Soriano Rubio, S. (2004), Cómo se vive la homosexualidad y el lesbianismo, Salamanca, Amarú Ediciones.

TRAVIS, R. L. (2012). Gay men’s guide to love & relationships. RLT Publishing.


APA —American Psychological Association— (2008),, consultado online el 24 de junio de 2013.

Diamond, M. (1993), «Some genetic considerations in the development of sexual orientation», en M. Haug, R. E. Whalen, C. Aron y K. L. Olsen (eds.), The development of sex differences and similarities in behavior, pp. 291-309, Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Press.

DRESCHER, J. (2015). Out of DSM: Depathologizing Homosexuality. Behavioral Science, 5 (4); 565–575. 

Drescher, J. y K. J. Zucker (2006), Ex-gay research: Analyzing the Spitzer study and its relation to science, religion, politics, and culture, Binghamton (N. Y.), Harrington Park Press.

Dupras, A. (1994), «Internalized homophobia and psychosexual adjustment among gay men», Psychological Reports, 75 (1-1):23-8.

Echeburúa, E. (2012), «¿Existe realmente la adicción al sexo?», Adicciones, 24 (4):281-6.

EMIS network, the, «EMIS 2010: The european men-who-have-sex-with-men Internet survey, findings 

Grossman, A. H., A. R. D'Augelli y S. L. Hershberger (2000), «Social support networks of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults 60 years of age and older», The Journal of Gerontology, vol. 55 (3):171-9.

Herek, G. M., J. C. Cogan, J. R. Gillis y E. K. Glunt (1997), «Correlates of internalized homophobia in a community sample of lesbians and gay men», Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, 1997 (2):17-25.

Hooker, E. (1957), «The adjustment of the male overt homosexual», Journal of Projective Techniques, 21, pp. 18-31.

Quiles del Castillo, M. N., V. Betancor Rodríguez, R. Rodríguez Torres, A. Rodríguez Pérez y E. Coello Martel (2003), «La medida de la homofobia manifiesta y sutil», Psicothema, 15 (2):197-204.

Ross, M. W. y B. R. S. Rosser (1996), «Measurement and correlates of internalized homophobia: A factor analytic study», Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52 (1):15-21.

Bibliografía y referencias de cada uno de mis libros:
«Quiérete mucho, maricón» (2016):

  • Addis, S., M. Davies, G. Greene, S. MacBride-Stewart y M. Shepherd (2009), «The health, social care and housing needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older people: a review of the literature», Health & Social Care in the Community, vol. 17 (6), pp. 647-58.
  • Adebajo, S. B., G. I. Eluwa, D. Allman, T. Myers y B. A. Ahonsi (2012), «Prevalence of Internalized Homophobia and HIV associated risks among men who have sex with men in Nigeria», African Journal of Reproductive Health, 16 [4]:21-8.
  • Aldrich, R. (2006), Gays y lesbianas, vida y cultura: un legado universal. Madrid, Nerea.
  • APA —American Psychological Association— (2008),, consultado online el 24 de junio de 2013.
  • Bagemihl, B. (1999), Biological exuberance, Londres, St. Martin’s Press.
  • Baile Ayensa, J. I. (2008), Estudiando la homosexualidad: teoría e investigación, Madrid, Pirámide.
  • Bailey, J. M. y R. C. Pillard (1991), «A genetic study of male sexual orientation», Archives of general psychiatry, vol. 48 (12):1089-96.
  • Bailey, J. M., S. Gaulin, Y. Agyei y B. A. Gladue (1994), «Effects of gender and sexual orientation on evolutionarily relevant aspects of human mating psychology», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66, pp. 1081-93.
  • Bailey, J. M., D. Bobrow, M. Wolfe y S. Mikach (1995), «Sexual orientation of adult sons of gay fathers», Developmental Psychology, vol. 31 (1):124-29.
  • Balthazart, J. (2010), Biologie de l’homosexualité, Bélgica, Mardaga.
  • Barrett, D. C. y L. M. Pollack (2005), «Whose gay community? Social class, sexual self-expression, and gay community involvement», The Sociological Quarterly, 46 (3):437-56.
  • Beeler, J. y V. DiProva (1999), «Family adjustment following disclosure of homosexuality by a member: Themes discerned in narrative accounts», Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, vol. 25 (4):443-59.
  • Bell, A. P. y M. S. Weinberg (1978), Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women, Nueva York, Simon & Schuster.
  • Bereznai, S. (2006), Gay and single… forever?, Nueva York, Marlow & Company.
  • Berger, R. M. (1982), Gay and gray: The older homosexual men, University of Illinois Press.
  • Besen, W. R. (2003). Anything but straight: Unmasking the scandals and lies behind the ex-gay myth, Nueva York, Harrington Park Press.
  • Bianchi, F. T., M. C. Zea, P. J. Poppen, C. A. Reisen y J. J. Echeverry (2004), Coping as a mediator of the impact of sociocultural factors on health behaviour among HIV-positive latino gay men, Psychology & Health, 19 (1):89-101.
  • Bieschke, K. J., M. McClanahan, E. Tozer, J. L. Grzegorek y J. Park (2000), «Programmatic research on the treatment of lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients: The past, the present, and the course for the future», en R. M. Perez, K. A. DeBord y K. J. Bieschke (eds.), Handbook of counselling and psychotherapy with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients, pp. 309-336, Washington D. C.
  • Blanchard, R. y P. Klassen (1997), «H-Y antigen and homosexuality in men», Journal of Theorical Biology, 185 (3):373-8.
  • Bogaert, A. F. y S. Hershberger (1999), «The relation between sexual orientation and penile size», Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 28 (3):213-21.
  • Bogaert, A. F. (2006), «Biological versus nonbiological older brothers and men's sexual orientation», Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 103 (28):10771-4.
  • Boswell, J. (1992), Cristianismo, tolerancia social y homosexualidad, Barcelona, Muchnik Editores.
  • —— (1996), Las bodas de la semejanza, Barcelona, Muchnik Editores.
  • Bower, G. H. (1981), «Mood and memory», American Psychologist, 36, pp. 129-48.
  • Bowlby, J. (1988), A secure base: Clinical applications of attachment theory, Londres, Routledge.
  • Breitfeller, G. H. y A. Kanekar (2012), «Intentional HIV transmission among men who have sex with nen: A scoping review», Gay & Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review, vol. 8 (2).
  • Brodie, H. K. H., N. Gartrell, C. Doering y T. Rhue (1974), «Plasma testosterone levels in heterosexual and homosexual men», American Journal of Psychiatry, 131, pp. 82-83.
  • Byne, W., S. Tobet, L. A. Mattiace, M. S. Lasco, E. Kemether, M. A. Edgar, S. Morgello, M. S. Buchsbaum y L. B. Jones (2001), «The interstitial nuclei of the human anterior hypothalamus: An investigation of variation with sex, sexual orientation, and HIV status», Hormones and Behavior, 40, pp. 86-92.
  • Cabaj, R. P. (2008), «Substance abuse, internalized homophobia, and gay men and lesbians psychodynamic issues and clinical implications», Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy, vol. 3 (3-4):5-24.
  • Caballo, V. E. (1998), Manual de técnicas de terapia y modificación de conducta, México, Siglo XXI editores.
  • Cantón, J. y M. R. Cortés (1997), Malos tratos y abuso sexual infantil, Madrid, Siglo XXI editores.
  • Carballo‐Diéguez, A., A. Ventune, L. Bauermeister, G. W. Dowsett, C. Dolezal, R.H. Remien, I. Balan y M. Rowe (2009), «Is ‘bareback’ a useful construct in primary HIV‐prevention? Definitions, identity and research», Culture, Health & Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care, vol 11 (1):51-65.
  • Carballo-Diéguez, A. y J. Bauermeister (2004). «‘Barebacking” intentional condomless anal sex in HIV-risk contexts. Reasons for and against it» Journal of Homosexuality, vol. 47 (1):1-16.
  • Castanyer, O. (1996), La asertividad: expresión de una sana autoestima, Bilbao, Desclée de Brouwer.
  • Chakraborty, A., S. McManus, T. S. Brugha et ál. (2011), «Mental health of the non-heterosexual population of England», British Journal of Psychiatry, 198, pp. 143-8.
  • Chernin, J. N. (2006), Get closer: A gay men’s guide to intimacy and relationships, Nueva York, Alyson Books.
  • Ciocca et ál. (2015), «Psychoticism, immature defense mechanisms and a fearful attachment style are associated with a higher homophobic attitude», Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8 de septiembre de 2015, online.
  • Cochran, S. D., J. Sullivan y V. M. Mays (2003), «Prevalence of mental disorders, psychological distress, and mental health services use among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults in the United States», Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, vol. 71 (1):53-6.
  • Cochran, S. D. (2001), «Emerging issues in research on lesbians’ and gay men’s mental health: Does sexual orientation really matter?», American Psychologist, vol. 56, pp. 931-47.
  • Cohen, J. (2006), «Protect or Disinhibit?», The New York Times, 22 de enero.
  • Coleman, E. (1981), Integrated identity for gay men and lesbian: Psychotherapeutic approaches for emotional well-being, Nueva York, Harrington Park Press.
  • Colfax, G. N., G. Mansergh, R. Guzman, E. Vittinghoff, G. Marks, M. Rader y S. Buchbinder (2001), «Drug use and sexual risk behavior among gay and bisexual men who attend circuit parties: A venue-based comparison», Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 28 (4):373-79.
  • Cramer, D. W. y A. J. Roach (1988), «Coming out to mom and dad: A study of gay males and their relationships with their parents», Journal of Homosexuality, vol. 15 (3-4):79-92.
  • D'Augelli, A. R., S. L. Hershberger y N. W. Pilkington (1998), «Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth and their families: Disclosure of sexual orientation and its consequences» American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, vol. 68 (3):361-71.
  • Davies, D. y N. Charles (2011), Pink therapy: A guide for counsellors and therapists working with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients. Filadelfia, McGraw.
  • De Waal, F. B. M. (1995), «Sex as an alternative to aggression in bonobos», en Sexual nature sexual culture. Abramson, P. R. y S. D. Pinkerton (eds.), pp. 37-56, Londres, University of Chicago Press.
  • Dean, A. L., M. M. Malik, W. Richards y S. A. Stringer (1986), «Effects of parental maltreatment on children's conceptions of interpersonal relationships», Developmental Psychology, 22 (5):617-26.
  • Dean, L., I. H. Meyer, K. Robinson, R. L. Sell, R. Sember, V. M. B. Silenzio, D. J. Bowen, J. Bradford, E. Rothblum, J. White, P. Dunn, A. Lawrence, D. Wolfe y J. Xavier (2000), «Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health: Findings and concerns», Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, vol. 4 (3):102-51.
  • Del Romero J., J. Castilla. V. Hernando, C. Rodríguez y S. García (2010), «Combined antiretroviral treatment and heterosexual transmission of HIV-1: cross sectional and prospective cohort study», British Medical Journal, 2010, 340:c2205.
  • DeLonga, K., H. L. Torres, C. Kamen, S. N. Evans, S. Lee, C. Koopman y C. Gore-Feltonc (2011), «Loneliness, internalized homophobia, and compulsive Internet use: Factors associated with sexual risk behavior among a sample of adolescent males seeking services at a community LGBT Center, Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, 18 (2):61-74.
  • Dew, B. J. y M. P. Chaney (2005), «The relationship among sexual compulsivity. Internalized homophobia and HIV at-risk sexual behavior in gay and bisexual male users of Internet chat rooms, Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 12 (4):259-73.
  • Diamond, M. (1993), «Some genetic considerations in the development of sexual orientation», en M. Haug, R. E. Whalen, C. Aron y K. L. Olsen (eds.), The development of sex differences and similarities in behavior, pp. 291-309, Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Press.
  • Dittmann, R. W., M. E. Kappes y M. H. Kappes (1992), «Sexual behavior in adolescent and adult females with congenital adrenal hyperplasia», Psychoneuroendocrinology, 17 (2-3):153-70.
  • Dover, K. J. (1978), Greek homosexuality, Cambridge (Massachusetts), Harvard University Press.
  • Downs, A. (2005), The Velvet Rage. Cambridge, Perseus Books.
  • Drescher, J. y K. J. Zucker (2006), Ex-gay research: Analyzing the Spitzer study and its relation to science, religion, politics, and culture, Binghamton (N. Y.), Harrington Park Press.
  • Drumright, L. N., T. L. Patterson y S. T. Strathdee (2006), «Club drugs as causal risk factors for HIV acquisition among men who have sex with men: A review», Substance Use & Misuse, vol. 41 (10-12):1551-1601.
  • Dufresne, T. (2007), Against Freud. Critics talk back, Stanford, Stanford University Press.
  • Dupras, A. (1994), «Internalized homophobia and psychosexual adjustment among gay men», Psychological Reports, 75 (1-1):23-8.
  • DuPree, M. G., B. S. Mustanski, S. Bocklandt, C. Nievergelt y D. H. Hamer (2004), «A candidate gene study of CYP19 (aromatase) and male sexual orientation, Behavior Genetics, vol. 34 (3):243-50.
  • Echeburúa, E. (2012), «¿Existe realmente la adicción al sexo?», Adicciones, 24 (4):281-6.
  • Ehrenreich, B. (2011), Sonríe o muere: La trampa del pensamiento positivo, Madrid, Turner.
  • EMIS network, the, «EMIS 2010: The european men-who-have-sex-with-men Internet survey, findings from 38 countries», Estocolmo, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2013.
  • Estruch, J. (2004), Leyendas y rimas, Barcelona, Vicens-Vives.
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  • Fenkl, E. A. y B. L. Rodgers (2014). «Optimistically engaging in the present: Experiences of aging among gay men», SAGE Open, Julio-Septiembre de 2014, 1-9. DOI: 10.1177/2158244014545463.
  • Finkelstein, I. y N. A. Silverman (2001), La Biblia desenterrada, Madrid, Siglo XXI.
  • Fisher, H. (2007), Anatomía del amor y del divorcio, Barcelona, Anagrama.
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  • Friedman, M. S., G. F. Koeske, A. J. Silvestre, W. S. Korr y E. W. Sites (2006), «The impact of gender-role nonconforming behavior, bullying, and social support on suicidality among gay male youth», Adolescent Health, vol. 38 (5):621-3.
  • Folch, C. et ál. (2014), «Alto consumo de drogas recreativas y conductas sexuales de riesgo en hombres que tienen relaciones sexuales con hombres», Medicina Clínica.
  • Garnets, L., G. M. Herek y B. Levy (1990), «Violence and victimization of lesbians and gay men mental health consequences», Journal of Interpersonal Violence, vol. 5 (3):366-83.
  • Gibson, I. (2009), Caballo azul de mi locura, Lorca y el mundo gay. Barcelona, Planeta.
  • Goldberg, A. E. (2010), «Lesbian and gay parents and their children: Research on the family life cycle. Division 44: Contemporary perspectives on lesbian, gay, and bisexual psychology», American Psychological Association, 233 pp., online en:
  • Goodreau, S. M., L. P. Goicochea y J. Sánchez (2005), «Sexual role and transmission of HIV type 1 among men who have sex with men in Peru», The Journal of Infectious Diseases, vol. 191 (1):147-58.
  • Gottman, J. y N. Silver (2001), Siete reglas de oro para vivir en pareja, Barcelona, Random House Mondadori.
  • Grace, D., S. A. Chown, J. Jollimore, R. Parry, M. Kwag, M. Steinberg, T. Trussler, M. Rekart y M. Gilbert (2014), «HIV-negative gay men's accounts of using context-dependent sero-adaptive strategies», Culture, Health & Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care, vol. 16 (3):316-30.
  • Grant, R. M. (2010), «Preexposure chemoprophylaxis for HIV prevention in men who have sex with men», The New England Journal of Medicine, 363(27):2587-99.
  • Grassi, L., R. Righi, L. Sighinolfi, S. Makoui y F. Ghinelli (1998), «Coping styles and psychosocial-related variables in HIV-infected patients», Psychosomatics, 39 (4):350-9.
  • Grimes, J. (2008), Seductive delusions: How everyday people catch STDs, Maryland, Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Grossman, A. H., A. R. D'Augelli y S. L. Hershberger (2000), «Social support networks of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults 60 years of age and older», The Journal of Gerontology, vol. 55 (3):171-9.
  • Grov, C., J. T. Parsons y D. S. Bimbi (2010), «The association between penis size and sexual health among men who have sex with men» Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 39 (3):788-97.
  • Grov, C. y J. T. Parsons (2006), «Bug chasing and gift giving: The potential for HIV transmission among barebackers on the Internet», AIDS Education and Prevention, vol. 18, n.º 6, pp. 490-503.
  • Halkitis, P. N., R. W. Moeller y J. A. Pollock (2008), «Sexual practices of gay, bisexual, and other nonidentified MSM attending New York City gyms: Patterns of serosorting, strategic positioning, and context selection, Journal of Sex Research, 45 (3):253-61.
  • Halkitis, P. N. y J. J. Palamar (2006), «GHB use among gay and bisexual men», Addictive Behaviors, vol. 31 (11):2135-9.
  • Halkitis, P. N., J. J. Palamar y P. P. Mukherjee (2007), «Poly-club-drug use among gay and bisexual men: A longitudinal analysis», Drug and Alcohol Dependence, vol. 89 (2-3):153-60.
  • Halkitis P. N. y J. T. Parsons (2003), «Recreational drug use and HIV-risk sexual behavior among men frequenting gay social venues», Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, vol. 14 (4):19-38.
  • Halkitis, P. N., L. Wilton y J. Drescher, J. (eds.) (2006), Barebacking: Psychosocial and public health approaches, Binghamton (New York), Haworth Press.
  • Halkitis P. N., R. J. Wolitski y G. A. Millett (2013), «A holistic approach to addressing HIV infection disparities in gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men», American Psychologist, 68 (4):261-73.
  • Halpin, S. A., y M. W. Allen (2004), «Changes in psychosocial well-being during stages of gay identity development», Journal of Homosexuality, 47 (2):109-26.
  • Hamer, D. H., S. Hu, V. L. Magnuson y A. M. Pattatucci (1993), «A linkage between DNA markers on the X chromosome and male sexual orientation», Science, 16 de julio de 1993, vol. 261, n.º 5119, pp. 321-7.
  • Herek, G. M., J. C. Cogan, J. R. Gillis y E. K. Glunt (1997), «Correlates of internalized homophobia in a community sample of lesbians and gay men», Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, 1997 (2):17-25.
  • Hendrick, C. y S. Hendrick (2006), «Styles of romantic love», en Sternberg y Weiss (comp.), The new psychology of love, Yale University Press, pp.149-70.
  • Helminiak, D. (2003), Lo que la Biblia realmente dice sobre la homosexualidad, Madrid, Egales.
  • Herrick, A. L., R. Stall, J. S. Chmiel, T. E. Guadamuz, T. Penniman, S. Shoptaw, D. Ostrow y M. W. Plankey (2013), «It gets better: Resolution of internalized homophobia over time and associations with positive health outcomes among MSM», AIDS and Behavior, 17 (4):1423-30.
  • Herrick, A. L., S. H. Lim, C. Wei, H. Smith, T. Guadamuz, M. S. Friedman y R. Stall (2011), «Resilience as an untapped resource in behavioral intervention design for gay men», AIDS and Behavior, 15 (1):25-9.
  • Hershberger, S. L. y A. R. D'Augelli (1995), «The impact of victimization on the mental health and suicidality of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths», Developmental Psychology, vol. 31 (1):65-74.
  • HHS (2001), «Substance abuse and mental health services administration. A provider's introduction to substance abuse treatment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals», HHS Publication, n.º (SMA) 09-4104.
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  • Huebner, D. M., M. C. Davis, C. J. Nemeroff y L. S. Aiken (2002), «The impact of internalized homophobia on HIV preventive interventions», American Journal of Community Psychology, 30 (3):327-48.
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  • Jeffries, W. L. IV, G. Marks, J. Lauby, C. S. Murrill y G. A. Millett (2013), «Homophobia is associated with sexual behavior that increases risk of acquiring and transmitting HIV infection among black men who have sex with men», AIDS and Behavior, 17 (4):1442-53.
  • Jie, W., L. Ciyong, D. Xueqing, W. Hui y H. Lingyao (2012), «A syndemic of psychosocial problems places the MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) population at greater risk of HIV infection, PLoS One, 7 (3):e32312.
  • Jin, F., G. P. Prestage, L. Mao, M. Poynten, D. J. Templeton, A. E. Grulich e I. Zablotska (2015), «”Any condomless anal intercourse” is no longer an accurate measure of HIV sexual risk behavior in gay and other men who have sex with men», Frontiers in Inmunology, 6, 86.
  • Jin, F. et ál. (2010), «Per-contact probability of HIV transmission in homosexual men in Sydney in the era of HAART», AIDS, publicado online antes de imprimir, 2010.
  • Johnson, M. O., A. W. Carrico, M. A. Chesney y S. F. Morin (2008), Internalized heterosexism among HIV-positive, gay-identified men: Implications for HIV prevention and care». Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76 (5):829-39.
  • Juster R. P., N. G. Smith, E. Ouellet, S. Sindi y S. J. Lupien (2013), «Sexual orientation and disclosure in relation to psychiatric symptoms, diurnal cortisol, and allostatic load», Psychosomatic Medicine, 75 (2):103-16.
  • Kahneman, D. (2012), Pensar rápido, pensar despacio, Barcelona, Debate.
  • Kallmann, F. J. (1952), «Comparative twin study on the genetic aspects of male homosexuality», Jornal of Nervous Mental Disorders, 115, pp. 283-98.
  • Kamen, H. (2005), La Inquisición Española: una revisión histórica. Barcelona, Crítica.
  • Kaufman, J. y C. Johnson (2004), «Stigmatized individuals and the process of identity», The Sociological Quarterly, 45 (4):807-33.
  • Kaysen, D. L., M. Kulesza, K. F. Balsam, I. C. Rhew, J. A. Blayney, K. Lehavot y T. L. Hughes (2014), «Coping as a mediator of internalized homophobia and psychological distress among young adult sexual minority women», Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, vol. 1 (3):225-33.
  • King, M., J. Semlyen, S. S. Tai et ál. (2008), «A systematic review of mental disorder, suicide, and deliberate self harm in lesbian, gay and bisexual people», Biomedical Central Psychiatry, 8, p. 70.
  • Kinsey, A. C. et ál. (1948/1998), Sexual behavior in the Human Male, Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders; Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
  • Klitzman, R. L., H. G. Jr. Pope y J. I. Hudson (2000), «MDMA (“Ecstasy”) abuse and high-risk sexual behaviors among 169 gay and bisexual men», American Journal of Psychiatry, 157 (7):1162-4.
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